Arabic is considered one of the oldest languages in the world. In addition, it can be attributed to the most common. More than 260 million people speak Arabic and use english to arabic.
For one part of these people, it is native, for the other it is one of the main conversational ones.
At one time, this language played a significant role in the formation of world culture. It’s not a secret for anyone that in the Middle Ages, it was on it that many works of fiction were created, as well as many scientific materials were created.
In addition, Arabic also influenced the formation of many languages that appeared much later. A significant number of words from it were borrowed by the peoples of Asia and Africa. There are even some words in European dictionaries. Our speech is also full of words of Arabic origin, for example, zenith, azimuth, safari. There are also more familiar words that we use in everyday life, these are: coffee, algebra, tariff.
Modern Arabic is presented in two forms, which are now significantly different from each other. The first is literary, the second is colloquial. The latter is most often used in everyday and everyday communication. Literary can increasingly be found in the education system, works of art, scientific data, etc.
The peculiarity of the spoken form is that it differs significantly depending on the state in which it is used. Without knowing the basics, it will be difficult for you to master the dialect of a particular country. Therefore, we recommend that you take the literary form as a basis, and start your independent study of Arabic from it. It is recognized, understandable and identical in all Arab states.
Now let’s go directly to tips for learning Arabic on your own.
The specialists of our translation agency in Chelyabinsk answered several questions, as a result, we received the most popular tips for mastering the Arabic language on your own.
1. As we said earlier, you should start your study with literary Arabic. We recommend taking several online lessons on basic knowledge and further translation from Arabic as a basis.
Then you can turn to the tutorial. We would recommend taking a closer look at the publication of V.S.Segal. In our opinion, the advantage of this tutorial is that it allows you to get to know the language gradually. Here you will not find a huge stream of incomprehensible and difficult Arabic phrases.
2. The next step is to use video or audio lessons. You can find them on the Youtube channel, as well as in various databases and forums for novice translators.
3. If something is already starting to work out for you, for example, in translation from Arabic into Russian, but while difficulties arise in the reverse order, then use the advice of more experienced specialists. There are special groups on social networks and threads on forums where more experienced translators provide all possible assistance to beginners.
Difficulties in learning the language on your own can not be avoided. Get ready for this. However, if you have already decided to start learning the Arabic language, then we recommend that you do not stop at the first difficulties. The main thing is to believe in your own strengths and capabilities.
We are sure that the knowledge gained will certainly be useful to you. Let us recall that Arabic is the fifth most widespread world language, and the migration processes of the past years have further increased its territorial coverage. In some European countries, it is already among the top three language leaders.
In addition, Arab countries are already very popular among travelers, and knowledge of the language here will definitely not be superfluous. In addition, with a similar pace of its spread throughout the world, it is possible that in the coming decades, many economically profitable contracts in business will be concluded with the Arabs. Consequently, the cost of translation services in this area will increase significantly.